Access Granted

Installing an Engine Access Panel on My Pearson 27

If you’ve ever worked in the tight quarters of a sailboat, you know how frustrating it can be to reach critical components like the starter and alternator.

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After wrestling with this challenge on my Pearson 27, I decided it was time for an upgrade.

Enter: the new engine access panel! Adding this panel wasn’t just about making future maintenance easier; it was about setting myself up for success in the upcoming engine control panel rewire on my Universal M2-12 Diesel engine. The rewire project is going to require changing out wire connections to the alternator, starter solenoid amoung other difficult parts to access.

This project was one of those “small changes, big impact” moments. Here’s a breakdown of why it’s such a game-changer and how it could benefit you if you’re looking to streamline your boat maintenance.

Why Install an Engine Access Panel?

Adding an engine access panel gives you the ability to see and reach components that might otherwise require contortionist skills. For me, it’s all about simplifying future projects. With my control panel rewire on the horizon, having easy access to the starter and alternator was non-negotiable. 

In this video, I walk you through the process of adding an engine access panel to my 1987 Pearson 27 sailboat. Whether you’re looking to improve access to your boat’s engine or planning a similar project, this video will give you insights into how to make it happen. 

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