Meet Jackie.
After being active in water sports in Florida for many years including sailing a 17ft Day Sailer routinely in the Gulf with my husband and doing bareboat charters in the Bahamas, we moved to NC. The focus of fun and recreation had shifted to rock climbing, kayaking, and eventually motorcycling, and the mountains were calling. Fast forward almost 20 years and I was re-introduced to sailing through the incredible generosity of a friend and the captain of a beautiful 76 ft monohull on a trip to the Leeward Islands.
We didn’t realize how much we had missed sailing until that trip. It was a life changing experience for both of us. Since that time, I’ve sailed as much as I can- multiple times in the Leeward Islands, the Chesapeake Bay, Florida, and most recently this year added the BVIs to my destinations. I’ve crewed on a few deliveries as well, the longest being from San Juan Puerto Rico to Key West Florida.

Rediscovering a Passion.
Being competent in whatever I do has always been important to me, so education has been a major focus over the last 2 years. My sailing mentors have included a world class captain who has become a good friend as well as great instructors, skippers, and captains from NauticED and ASA. After completing the required online curriculum and gaining enough practical time on boats with verified competency, I’ve achieved a ranking through NauticEd which has enabled me to confidently skipper a boat. I never would’ve imagined this to be possible 2 years ago.
Rediscovering sailing has enriched my life in many ways. I’ve made wonderful new friends, learned so much, reignited a passion I didn’t know I was missing, built confidence, and have had opportunities open up for fantastic trips and experiences. There’s still so much more to do, see, and learn. I’m excited to be on this journey!